Monday, September 28, 2009;6:38 AM
Just Random Things....
Labels: Random
Sunday, September 27, 2009;4:06 AM
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Photos
Pictures when we went to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

Labels: SBWR, taking photos
Saturday, September 26, 2009;8:00 AM
Jurong Library, Studyingg...
Went to Jurong Library to study with J. My bag soo heavy....
Read a book on Jack the Ripper
An excerpt on how the women were expected to dress in the oldern times.
From the book,
Labels: Jurong Library, Studying
Thursday, September 24, 2009;3:38 AM
Maths Carnival at Ngee Ann Poly
We, me and my classmates [20], got chosen to go to Ngee Ann for the Maths Carnival.
We got a early release at ~12.45pm. Didn't go for English and E maths!
Took the bus at 1.15pm and went off to Ngee Ann!
Arrived there half an hour later. We were the first school to reach! Go Yusof Isak!
Went to a room, and got tested for our E maths..... My overall was only 5.... [The higher the band, the better]
Then went to Ngee Ann Convention Hall (it was quite big), which was the area for refreshment.
ZN was the first to eat lol :D
Pictures! (Hehehee ;D)
After all our stomachs has been filled, we played games. Yes, games. It's a carnival after all.
I won/received a small translucent black bag/purse (?). Also got involved in the 'Treasure Hunt'
and 'shamelessly' took photos with something cause I wanted the small little bear...
and 'shamelessly' took photos with something cause I wanted the small little bear...
Yes... Both are me.....
Anyway, i found out that the little bear was no more. After. I. Took. The. Photos. Went for a pen instead... Then it couldn't work. But thanks to my friends (who told me to change, which i did) and the uncle (who so kindly told me that it would work using a bit of force), the pen,which I changed, worked. Now, if only i could get it to last the week....
After this, we went into the hall (it was boiiiiiggggggggg, very big). Played a game, again :). Was quite fun.
Finally received a little bear =D!
Here's the bear in question!
At 5.10pm, we waited for the bus, and took a group photo. Then we went oooooooffffffffffffffffffff.....
Labels: Carnival, Ngee Ann Poly
;3:24 AM
Labels: pictures
Wednesday, September 23, 2009;5:44 AM
I'm feeling bored...... Can't absorb my Chem notes..... Ah well, at least Friday have LOTS of time for studying.... i so~ can't wait for it.....
Ta-ta, my mysterious reader.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009;2:19 AM
A Video
No, i'm not pervertic. I'm just bored.....
An Anime Video
Labels: anime video
;2:12 AM
*whisper* I'm actually supposed to study, now. But i didna.
I have calculated the number of chapters i should have finished studying: 36 CHAPS!!! ONLY!
Wah... Not enough lol, have to cram... ><
Saturday, September 19, 2009;7:24 AM
In this story, there lived a happy little girl who lived with her family.
She was very happy, loving her parents and sibling as much as they loved her.
Until a tragic incident happened.
One that made the little girl wished she could die.
And granted her wish, in a way.
;6:35 AM
Aliens in the Attic
Just saw the movie, Aliens in the Attic, at Jurong Point.
The movie was quite nice, and Sparks, the good alien, was too cute! :D, HIs eyes was so~ big, and he looked so innocent ;)
The action scene where Granny and Ricky fought in slow-mo was cool and the final scene before the credits was too funny ! :D
Is indeed a good movie and those wanting a good laugh will find this movie a good one.
Labels: movie review
Friday, September 18, 2009;12:15 AM
Birthday Girl
Yesterday was my birthday. Hmm... Still waiting for belated presents~
Anyway, I took pictures of my birthday cake [ XD] and wanted to upload into the blog but was unable to. Couldn't use the school's computers. It was locked. Damn.
So, maybe around October then i'll upload ALL photos that i wanna upload.
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, September 15, 2009;12:30 AM
Summaried Version on History, 'Crisis and Conflict Textbook' Chap 4, Hitler's rise to power
Below is a Summaried Version on History, 'Crisis and Conflict Textbook' Chap 4, Hitler's rise to power, Pg 92 - 96. [Please note that below are just NOTES that i've summaried from the textbook and may not be absoutely correct. Enjoy reading :)]
Weakness of the Weimar Govt.
- The democratic system allowed many parties to gain seats but not a single party could gain dominace. Disagreements between parties led to squabling with one another. The parties spent more time squablng with one another than governing the country. This led the German people to feel that they cannot get things done.
- Opposed by the Right
After the Weimar Govt. signed the Treaty of Versailles, many German people were very unhappy. The German Army claimed that they could have continued fighting but was 'back-stabbd' by the politicans. The former Kaiser advisers also made this claim. However, this was not true as Germany allies wanted to stop fighting and negoiate for peace.
-Opposed by the Left.
Communists groups were against the Weimar Govt [W.G.] as they wanted to establish a Communist govt. One such group was the Spartacists. However, there were also anti-Communist group, like Freikorps. There were frequent battles between the Freikorps and the Spartacists.
-Unable to keep order in the country
The W.G.'s own army could not put down on revolutions and frequently relied on the Freikorps. This showed that the W.G. was too weak to control the contry. The Freikorps then tried to overthrow the W.G. but failed to do so.
There were also around 375 political murders of members of the W.G. This led the German public to be shocked by the level of violence in the country and caused the public to lose confidence in the W.G.'s ability to maintain law and order.
- Lost the support of the middle-class
After the WW1, Germany's financial position was in dire states. So the W.G. printed more money to pay back their debts. However, this created inflation, and it worsened, turning it into hyper-inflation. Savings became worthless and many Germans bacame poor overnight. This resulted in the W.G. losing the support of the middle-class people.
-Lost of a capable leader
When Stresemann died of a heart attack, Germany lost a capable leader who brought stability and prosperity to the country.
Labels: Chap 4, History Elective Texbook
Monday, September 14, 2009;2:11 AM
School's out...
*Sighs*, Guess what. School's here.... And this is Term 4, 1 more month till exam time. Oh dear, ohdearohdearohdear, *me running in circles waving my arms in the air* ohdear!
Damn...... Maybe i should add more pictures and change the background colour...Hmm... Or maybe even the blogskin...... Nah.
Monday, September 7, 2009;12:33 AM
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
We went to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve for our Geography lesson. Took some (okay, a lot) of photos there.
The reserve is close to the coastal areas, where high tide and low tide is able to occur. Based on my questioning with the teacher-in-charge, the tides happen as a result of the gravitational pull and because of the moon. For further detail, please go to the web to find out more. The timing for high tide is around noon and around the evening, twice a day. And the low tide is in between.
At 11.17am, i saw the sea level begin to increase, making the dams, that control the amount of water in the area to make sure it doesn't flood, release the water out into the open sea (There are two sides. One is inside the reserve and the other is beside it, a sea in between the Reserve and Malaysia.
-edit: Will add the pic later.
Sunday, September 6, 2009;4:50 AM
It seems when one (girl) takes a photo, of course, taken by themselves about themselves, they will always look so cute. Why?, i wonder. Even when they don't really look cute in real life, how come when one takes photos of themselves, they will look cute? I mean, is there a trick to it? Should i shamelessly ask my classmates how they do it? I tried it before-- hey, one must try everything right?-- but i'll always different from usual (read: Uglier). So, what is it with girls taking 'photos' of themselves? And how do they do it? I'm quite curious about it.
So, with that in mind, ta-ta~.
Labels: taking photos
;4:39 AM
Results for Term 3
Results for Term 3
Look at my Term 3 results and be WOW-ed. :D
English -- B4*
Chinese -- B4
A Maths -- A1
E Maths -- A1
Chemistry - A1
Physics -- A1
SS + Elec. History -- A1
Core Geography -- B3
*One columum has not be calculated so it is temperary.
:( It seems i have tui bu le... So~ unhappy ............
Maybe i should drop Core Geography cause i can't seem to at least score full marks for a question, except the evaluative question... Ahh, 1 more month to exam and wo hai zai tou lan ... What to do. I just can't seem to stop. ARG!! So frustrated. URG!
Labels: Results
Friday, September 4, 2009;1:10 AM
Today's the final day of Term 3. YIPEE! Next week's holidaySSSSSS. I can't wait. But then, i got Holiday Hw, and remedial... and chinese oral after the holidays, to boot.... :{ Damn
I have calculated the maximun time spent on each subject and that is 10.5 hours. Of doing and revising homework and lessons. Of 1 subject. And then next month is the Final Year Exam already... Oh dear, what am i going to doo......
Thursday, September 3, 2009;12:20 AM