Sunday, August 23, 2009;3:04 AM
Just for Fun...
I was wondering how do you tell if one is good or bad? Do you judge them based on their looks or their actions? Or do you even judge them based on their ties? Either way, you must have a certain way to judge people.
Anyway, don't you think that everyone is biased? No? Then let me give you an example. Imagine you are walking along a street and you see a plain Jane walking towards you. What will you do? You'll most likely not notice or pretend to look away and walk in the opposite direction immediately. However if it was a pretty lady like.... lets say Megan Fox, what will you do? Hmm.... Really? Are you sure?
On the otherhand, we can't help but judge those people we don't know, right? Since all of us, yes including me, are people who look on the outside before looking on the inside. Like my Chemistry Teacher said, he would rather date a pretty yet bitchy woman than a plain Jane with a kind soul.
So, it's your choice on how you view others, be it good or bad.
Labels: judging people
Saturday, August 22, 2009;6:56 AM
Movie: Where got Ghost.
I just saw 'Where Got Ghost'

The movie was divided into 3 short stories, both having different characters. This movie is about ghosts [as you can guess from the title] and there are morals after every story.
I had some laughs but it did not leave me with a deep impression when i finished watching the show. Now, when i try to recall the movie, i find it hard to tell you how and what happened inside the stories, although it did leave me with a frightened heart [hey, i'm afraid of ghosts] and a scared feeling to bathe alone. > <>
Labels: movie review, Where got Ghost
Thursday, August 20, 2009;3:55 AM
The Future
The Future
Is an adjective [before noun], happening or existing in the future
--from dictionary
- Is the time before Present, be it a second, an hour, a day or a year from now.
-Is how you manage to take charge over the time you have, right now.
-Is how you create opportunities now, for things to happen later.
-Is what you decide to become in your later life, a teacher, an engineer, a scientist, a political leader.
-Is what you choose to create.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009;4:41 AM
My god my god mygodmygod, tests are tomorrow and there are 5 OF THEM!! out of 5 lessons tomorrow. Oh man, it seem as if all the teachers that teach tomorrow have an agreement to torture us..... *Sigh* what can i say? You know they are sadists after all..... *imagine a teacher with eager eyes staring at us cramming all those last minute infro into our head while holding on to the tests paper* <-- My god.
Sunday, August 16, 2009;4:50 AM
Like i was writing before someone interrupted me, the vampire moved with grace. And then he walked towards me, asking where 'it' is. As i'm a klutz at directions, i could not help him so i just smiled and shaked my head. He did not pressed for more, just nodded and walked away.
You know, until you looked very closely, you would have never guessed that you met a vampire.
Since it's at night now and i have to go to school tomorrow, i'll end here. Will be continued :)
Friday, August 14, 2009;2:12 AM
I'm now getting ready to go out to cut my hair. Hopefully, the next hairstyle will be better than this one.......... I'm getting sick out it.
After haircut:
It looks better than when i let the man cut my hair. Hopefully, my hairstyle does not decide to 'pop' up in the morning.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009;12:01 AM
You know, i was outside of my house, just 2 metres away, when i saw a vampire. Yup. You heard it right, a vampire. Not some person wearing a 'Me Biter' shirt or even wearing a fake extend teeth, but a Real. Life. Vampire.
He was tall, wearing a black shirt paired with black pants and of course with a sunglass [Ya, i know]. But the real suprise was that it was in the day. In the day. In the DAY. [I'm guessing you need to see that again.] So i just stood there staring at him while he passed by. You know you've just seen a vampire when he smell of flowers when he is not even carrying a single stalk of flower. There was also the difference in the way he moved, unlike us. He moved with grace, unlike the way some of us do.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009;3:09 AM
And i received yet another book by Linda Howard! Can't wait to start reading them. *rub hands with glee and smiling hehehe*
Monday, August 3, 2009;2:57 AM
Yahoo! I received another book! :) ming jiao: Kiss me while i sleep by Linda Howard. It's right by my side !!! And is like new :))))
Will place it lovingly into my books shelf.
Tomorrow, may or may not be the due date of my Geography project. Must hurry and finish it up! See hya.